45 STEM By Design Teaching Tools
The chapters in Anne Jolly’s book STEM by Design (2nd Edition) include 45 design tools. These resources will help STEM teachers and program leaders create curriculum, design lessons, build student teams, and engage colleagues and communities. Download PDFs of all the tools here! If you have a question, leave a comment and Anne will be sure to reply.
Design Tool 2.1a – Ms. Rizzo’s STEM Class: A True Story (teacher)
Design Tool 2.1b – Ms. Rizzo’s STEM Class: A True Story (student)
Design Tool 2.2: What Goes On in a STEM Class?
Design Tool 3.1: STEM Criteria Checklist
Design Tool 3.2: Merge Makerspaces with the STEM Challenge
Design Tool 3.3: STEM School – Yes or No?
Design Tool 4.1: Model STEM Students
Design Tool 4.2: Planning Considerations
Design Tool 4.3: Where Am I Now?
Design Tool 5.1: STEM Lesson Specifications
Design Tool 5.2a: Sample Lessons to Analyze
Design Tool 5.2b: Sample Lessons to Analyze
Design Tool 7.1: Student STEM Letter
Design Tool 8.1: Engineering Design Process (EDP) Graphic
Design Tool 8.2: The Engineering Design Process for Student Teams
Design Tool 8.3: EDP Description for Teachers
Design Tool 8.4: Brainstorming Procedures
Design Tool 9.1a: NAE Grand Challenges Tailored for Middle Level Students
Design Tool 9.1b: NAE Grand Challenges Tailored for Middle Level Students
Design Tool 10.1: Prior Knowledge Needs
Design Tool 11.1: What Matters to Our Team?
Design Tool 11.2: Productive Conversations
Design Tool 11.3: Time to Regroup
Design Tool 11.4: Super Smart Skills
Design Tool 11.5: Am I a Team Player?
Design Tool 11.6: Truths or To-Dos
Design Tool 11.7: It’s Okay! Cards
Design Tool 11.8: 60-Second Check-In
Design Tool 11.9: Team Thoughts
Design Tool 12.1: A Life Skills Message for Kids
Design Tool 12.2a: Life Skills for STEM Projects
Design Tool 12.2b: Life Skills for STEM Projects
Design Tool 12.2c: Life Skills for STEM Projects
Design Tool 12.3: Reflection Starters
Design Tool 12.4: Special Skills
Design Tool 13.1a: My Online Safety Practices
Design Tool 13.1b: My Online Safety Practices
Design Tool 14.1: Rubric Criteria
Design Tool 14.2: What Must Team Members Be Able to Do?
Design Tool 14.3: Teamwork Quick Check
Design Tool 14.4: Sample EDP Assessment
Design Tool 14.5: Think Like an Engineer
Design Tool 14.6: How Do I Feel?