Tagged: STEM By Design

Student Teaming Tips for Your STEM Classroom

Written by STEM teaching expert Anne Jolly as a free supplement to her book STEM By Design (2016), the Student Teaming Tips Handbook is a starter set of ideas teachers may find useful for priming kids to work creatively and productively in STEM teams. Download the PDF!

Welcome to STEM by Design

I’m truly glad you’re here! I’m passionate about STEM and about education, but I’ve found that passion alone isn’t enough. Teaching STEM takes knowledge, energy, and persistence. This site and my new book can help you help all students be successful STEM learners!

A New and Expanded Edition of STEM By Design with a Real-World Focus

Exciting news! You can now order the new edition of STEM By Design: Tools and Strategies to Help Students in Grades 4-8 Solve Real World Problems. This revised and expanded volume homes in specifically on details to help you design quality integrated STEM projects that encourage your students to become the creative thinkers, innovators, and collaborators our communities need for life in our rapidly changing world.

45 STEM By Design Teaching Tools

Anne Jolly’s book STEM by Design includes 40 design tools. These resources will help STEM teachers and program leaders create curriculum, design lessons, build student teams, and engage colleagues and communities. You’ll find free downloads at this page!

5 Things New STEM Teachers Can Do Right Now

Recent teacher ed graduate? Newly emergency certified? An experienced teacher who’s learned you’ll be teaching STEM this year? Here are five “do this first” tips from STEM curriculum designer, industry consultant and former state teacher of the year Anne Jolly.

8 Tips for Planning Summer STEM Fun

Summer is almost here and it’s time for kids to officially forget everything they learned during the school year. Right? Well, maybe not right, writes STEM expert Anne Jolly, if schools, communities, and families keep the learning going. She has eight ideas!